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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - terrace


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Перевод с английского языка terrace на русский

1) терраса; берма; уступ 2) плоская крыша - built-up terrace - continental terrace - cut-and-fill terrace - degradation terrace - face terrace - floodplain terrace - fluvial terrace - low-tide terrace
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См. в других словарях

  терраса, веранда плоская крыша уступ; берма ряд (примыкающих торцами) домов; ленточная застройка (вдоль улицы) прогулочная аллея (перед большим зданием) открытая галерея; балкон; портик; колоннада терраса (речной долины) alluvial terrace bench terrace diversion terrace sun terrace ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  террасировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. терраса; уступ; насыпь 2. терраса, веранда 3. ряд стандартных домиков вдоль улицы 4. ам. газон посреди улицы или бульвара 5. ам. улица или бульвар с газоном 6. редк. плоская крыша 7. дефект мрамора 8. уст. открытая галерея; балкон, портик; колоннада 9. геол. терраса; банкет, берма 10. террасировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) терраса; насыпь; уступ  2) терраса, веранда  3) ряд домов вдоль улицы  4) газон посреди улицы  5) плоская крыша  2. v. устраивать в виде террасы ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 each of a series of flat areas formed on a slope and used for cultivation. 2 a level paved area next to a house. 3 a a row of houses on a raised level or along the top or face of a slope. b a row of houses built in one block of uniform style. 4 a flight of wide shallow steps as for spectators at a sports ground. 5 Geol. a raised beach, or a similar formation beside a river etc. --v.tr. form into or provide with a terrace or terraces. Phrases and idioms terraced house Brit. = terrace house. terraced roof a flat roof esp. of an Indian or Eastern house. terrace house Brit. any of a row of houses joined by party-walls. Etymology: OF ult. f. L terra earth ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French, platform, ~, from Old French, from Old Occitan terrassa, from terra earth, from Latin, earth, land; akin to Latin torrere to parch — more at thirst  Date: 1515  1.  a. a colonnaded porch or promenade  b. a flat roof or open platform  c. a relatively level paved or planted area adjoining a building  2.  a. a raised embankment with the top leveled  b. one of usually a series of horizontal ridges made in a hillside to increase cultivatable land, conserve moisture, or minimize erosion  3. a level ordinarily narrow plain usually with steep front bordering a river, lake, or sea; also a similar undersea feature  4.  a. a row of houses or apartments on raised ground or a sloping site  b. a group of row houses  c. a strip of park in the middle of a street often planted with trees or shrubs  d. street  5. a section of a British soccer stadium set aside for standing spectators  II. transitive verb  (~d; terracing)  Date: 1650  1. to provide (as a building or hillside) with a ~  2. to make into a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (terraces) 1. A terrace is a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls. (BRIT) ...a terrace of stylish Victorian houses. ...3 Queensborough Terrace. N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 2. A terrace is a flat area of stone or grass next to a building where people can sit. N-COUNT 3. Terraces are a series of flat areas built like steps on the side of a hill so that crops can be grown there. ...massive terraces of maize and millet carved into the mountainside like giant steps. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. The terraces at a football ground are wide steps that people can stand on when they are watching a game. (BRIT) N-PLURAL: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »HOUSES« especially BrE a row of houses that are joined to each other, or a street with one of these rows in it  (21 Chestnut Terrace) 2 »PLACE YOU CAN SIT« an area, especially next to a hotel or restaurant, where people can sit outside to eat or drink 3 »FOOTBALL« the terraces BrE the wide steps that the people watching a football match can stand on 4 »FLAT ROOF« a flat roof used as an outdoor living area 5 »FLAT LAND« a flat area cut out of a slope, usually one in a series that rise up the slope, that is often used to grow crops ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1515, "gallery, portico, balcony," later "flat, raised place for walking" (1575), from M.Fr. terrace, from O.Fr. terrasse "platform (built on or supported by a mound of earth)," from V.L. *terracea, from L. terra "earth, land." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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